‘The Bank That Lived a Little: Barclays in the Age of the Very Free Market’
9 April 2019
UK capital markets

This event's focus will be Philip's fascinating recent book ‘The Bank That Lived a Little: Barclays in the Age of the Very Free Market’.
The book is a parable of global finance and markets over the past 40 years as viewed through the lens of the transformation of Barclays from the 1980s onwards from a UK commercial bank into a global investment bank.
The discussion will focus on the implications for banking and finance of some of the key themes in the book including the culture in investment banking; governance and control in complex financial institutions; and the future sustainability of the investment banking model.
We expect the guests to be senior bankers, asset managers and policymakers.
Philip Augar is one of the most astute and thoughtful observers of the banking industry: a former banker with NatWest and Schroders, he has since written four books on different aspects of banking and finance, including the seminal history of Big Bank ‘The Death of Gentlemanly Capitalism’. He has held a number of senior roles in government and is currently chairing a government review of higher education funding.
New Financial events are by invitation only – for more information please contact: events@newfinancial.org
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