A ‘deep dive’ on UK pensions and capital markets reform
27 June 2024
UK capital markets
New Financial has been at the forefront of the debate on UK pensions and capital markets reform over the few years. With so much going on – and with an election just weeks away - this ‘deep dive’ webinar will provide a recap and take stock of progress, pull together the key analysis and themes of our work in this area, and look ahead to the other side of the election.
We expect participants to be a combination of executives and policy specialists from across the industry, as well as government officials, regulators, and policymakers from across the UK and Europe.
Some of the specific areas for discussion will include:
Supply side reforms: rebooting UK capital markets and making them ‘match fit’
Demand side reforms: designing a pensions system fit for the 21st century and widening retail participation
Pensions adequacy: how to deliver better outcomes for people saving for their retirement
The international context: what we can learn from successful reforms in other markets
The big levers: more radical options to reform UK pensions and capital markets…
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