Diversity and culture in pay
21 May 2019
Driving diversity
Pay is the default incentive in business. This dinner will explore how financial services companies are bringing diversity and culture criteria into how staff get paid, and how the mechanisms for incorporating these criteria are evolving.
We know from our work as HM Treasury’s data partner on the HMT Women in Finance Charter that linking gender diversity targets to pay is the most controversial of the four Charter principles – and the most secretive. The Charter does not prescribe how signatories should link targets to pay, but the data shows us that most signatories are using a balanced scorecard approach and/or a link to performance management and objectives.
The data also shows us that while for most signatories it is too early tell whether the link to pay is having the desired impact, approaches to the link to pay are evolving, becoming more granular, more nuanced, more specific and are being applied to more than just the top tier of executives.
This event is likely to be attended by people working in a range of functions, from diversity and inclusion, compensation/ reward/ remuneration, through to risk and compliance. If you are not the right person for this invite, please do let me know and pass it on to a colleague.
New Financial events are by invitation only – for more information please contact: events@newfinancial.org
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