Focus on disability in financial services
23 February 2023
Driving diversity

An introduction to our thought paper on where the financial services industry is at when it comes to the oft-neglected diversity strand of disability, including changing stakeholder pressures, evolving definitions of disability, de-prioritisation of data, and shifting to a broader discussion than representation.
We will hear from and discuss how a range of financial services firms are developing their approaches to disability.
Event line-up:
• Jenny Barrow, senior adviser, New Financial, will make opening remarks on what we have seen financial services companies doing around disability recently,
• Diane Lightfoot, CEO of Business Disability Forum, on changes she is seeing in corporate approaches to disability, what is driving those changes, key areas of focus and similarities/differences to the FS sector specifically,
• Ian Donohue MBE, accessibility technology expert at the Financial Conduct Authority who leads the FCA’s digital accessibility initiative,
• Sarah Guerra, head of culture, diversity and inclusion at the Bank of England, which is refreshing its disability strategy,
• Ann O’Donoghue, global inclusive development lead at Barclays, which is publishing a white paper on disability,
• Ray Milne, CRO and sponsor of the disability awareness network at Schroders Personal Wealth.
New Financial events are by invitation only – for more information please contact: