Focus on sponsorship: case study with Lloyds Banking Group
24 April 2024
Driving diversity
A vital criteria for anyone seeking senior leadership roles is having a sponsor – someone who will advocate for you when you are not in the room. However, formal sponsorship programmes are often considered complex, resource intensive and tricky to scale.
At this event, we will hear from guest speaker Samantha Owo, Group Head of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Lloyds Banking Group, on the bank’s pioneering approach to sponsorship. We will discuss why sponsorship is important to the bank, the benefits and challenges in executing and scaling a successful sponsorship programme, approaches to selecting participants, how the bank’s proposition has changed over time and its next steps.
The session will include Q&A with attendees. We expect attendees to include financial services professionals from across HR, DEI, people managers, and those responsible/ accountable/ with a keen interest in DEI from business-facing roles.
New Financial events are by invitation only – for more information please contact: