The future of EU capital markets post-Brexit with Elisabeth Roegele
17 June 2020
UK capital markets

For all the focus on coronavirus in the past few months, Brexit has not – of course – gone away. As things stand the UK financial services industry is hurtling towards leaving the transition period at the end of this year with a pretty thin deal.
Some of the topics we are likely to discuss during our online event with one of the most influential supervisors in Europe: Elisabeth Roegele, deputy president and head of securities and asset management supervision at BaFin include:
•Brexit in the short-term: what happens in the next six months, the impact of the Covid crisis, a possible extension to the transition etc.
•Brexit relocations and the future of financial centres in the EU
•The potential future relationship between the EU and the UK in banking and finance
•The future direction of policy and regulation in the EU
•The future of CMU
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