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Workshop on ‘The future of smaller company capital markets’

3 July 2024

UK capital markets

The workshop is part of our project on ‘The future of smaller company capital markets’ that we will be publishing in the autumn. This important project – in partnership with abrdn, Euroclear, the QCA, and Winterflood - will feed directly into the policy debate under the next government.

The past few decades have been pretty brutal for UK public equity markets - but the smaller company end of the market has been hit hardest of all. We think that vibrant smaller company markets are a key part of rebooting UK capital markets to help generate the investment and growth that the UK desperately needs. But there is a danger that smaller company end of the market gets lost in the debate.

The discussion will include:


The unique challenges facing smaller listed companies;

  • Why we should care about a vibrant smaller company equity market;

  • The main drivers behind the decline;

  • The challenges facing the industry and ecosystem around smaller listed companies;

  • The international context and;

  • What the industry and government can do to address the problem.


We expect participants to be policy specialists and market practitioners with a specific focus on smaller companies.

New Financial events are by invitation only – for more information please contact:



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